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Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.

According to the World Health Organisation, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Did you know that as of 2015, there are still 60% of the elderly in Singapore who do not engage in exercise frequently?

We at ‘KakiLang’, aim to help the golden generation of Singaporeans live their days with happiness and fulfilment, by providing them with the opportunity to have a close-knit community of their own.

“There Is No Health Without Mental Health.”

Physical wellness comes hand in hand with mental wellness. Keeping active not only helps us to stay fit and strong but it also elevates our mood. Moreover, it is on our hearts for the elderly to be able to live their golden years free from isolation and surrounded by the warmth of community.

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What Does 'KakiLang' Mean?

Derived from the Hokkien phrase “People of Our Own”, it is an endearing term familiar to the elderly of richly diverse Singapore. They used this phrase to describe the people — their community, that lived within their kampung back in the day. Hoping to rekindle the kampung spirit between Singaporeans across all groups, ‘KakiLang’ also wishes to bridge the gap between the young and senior generation of Singapore.


Feel free to click ‘More’ if you would like to read an article about the benefits of inter-generational bonding.

Simply put, our seniors love sharing their stories with the next generation and they love reminiscing on the good ol’ kampung days. Hence, our idea combines all that and more.
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